Monday, July 13, 2009

Is That a Cop?

3 x Boxes of Cherries
4 x Cucumbers (like we didn't already have enough) Sharing time!
1 x Head of Iceberg Lettuce
2 lbs. Grapes
1 x Box of Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie (deliciousness)
1 x Lemon (hooray for lemon water)
2 lbs. Strawberries
1 x Loaf of Rye Bread
36 x Kiwis (This was after we gave away 3 boxes or 18 kiwis)
A buttload of Mott's Fruit Snacks
1 x Bag of Prime Rib cut Jack Link's jerky. God they were so good I ate the whole bag between stops. Highly recommended.

July 11th, 2009: A routine has been struck. Suit up, roll out, victory! We were immediately dumbfounded by the quantity of fruit. It was good to eat, as always, and we took it all. A car pulls up...Kassy ducks, we had a good laugh about this afterwards. Like would it seriously have made a difference? It looks just like a police interceptor. The day before we noticed a cop lurking in the front of the parking lot and thought "shit". Out of the car comes two people, probably the exact same age as us asking if there was "anything good?" They apologized for startling us and just joined right in with the gathering. We showed each other some good finds, loaded each of our boxes, and traded some of our prized fruits, Kiwis to be exact. It's extremely easy to be generous in this situation, as you could probably imagine. After some brief small talk, we thanked our new like-minded friends and off we went. What a relief, they were just other creeps in the night like us. Mind you, this was at about 2:00 A.M. pretty crazy stuff.

Day four and we've already made friends. Nothing but good things.


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