2 x Bags of Ice pops! Perfect timing for summer
14 x Cans of Orange soda and Ginger Ale
10lbs. Red Potatoes (the only thing not junk food found hah)
1 x Half dozen Red Roses for my dearest
And not to mention all the candy in the world including -
Reese's pieces
Nerds and lots of them, along with nerds rope
Orbit Gum
Now and Later
Mike and Ike
Sugar Babies
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
and on and on and on. Two milk crates in our kitchen are now full of candy. One for the good stuff, the other for gum and mints.
July 13th, 2009: Old faithful had run dry. We knew we were bound to have an off day. A man was walking away with two full grocery bags as we rolled up. This is great though, sharing is key! It's easy to take much more than you actually need because, well, it's just garbage! Kassy and I took this opportunity to cover uncharted territory for ourselves (approximately 6 miles away). Oh, how sweet it was. Literally. More candy than you could ever want. It's just disgusting. It's as sad as it is exhilarating. You know there are hundreds and hundreds of other dumpsters just like this one out there, everywhere. All you can do is gather whatever there is and share it! You can file this under Jackpot.
Welcome to Candied Island!
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